Skrimples for Shibarium

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Skrimples on Shibarium is a decentralized liquid staking protocol for the Shibarium Layer 2 chain. It enables users to stake their ERC20 BONE tokens on the Ethereum mainnet and instantly receive the representation of their share in the form of stBONE tokens without the need to manage staking infrastructure.

Users will earn staking rewards while retaining control over their stBONE tokens, and the BONE tokens will be delegated to validators that are registered and approved by the Ruffhouse Gang DAO within the Skrimples on Shibarium protocol.

Ruffhouse Gang DAO

The Ruffhouse Gang DAO is the governing authority of the Skrimples protocol. In its current state, the founders Bimpus and Snake control the multisig and protocol levers. However, the protocol is designed to transition into a fully decentralized autonomous organization made up of Skrimples holders, known as the Ruffhouse Gang.

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